Inside Job
text-based paintings
The series Inside Job was completed over the pandemic when we all were separated and had the opportunity to look inside our homes and our heads. Hubby sought out some mind release (from the Sanskrit, mantra translates into man, meaning mind, and tra, meaning release). “Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.” is a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, which aims to keep one in the present moment. “Every Day in every way I’m getting better and better” is the famous phrase from French psychologist, Émile Coué, who changed the face of psychotherapy with the Coué Method of Autosuggestion. Coué stated: “Whenever attention is concentrated on an idea over and over again, it spontaneously tends to realize itself.” Another painting reads: “May we be happy, may we be well, may we be safe, may we be peaceful and at ease,” which is the traditional Buddhist Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Prayer).
Hubby on the series:
These paintings are on canvases that are Hubby’s width and height, further underscoring Mahatma Gandhi’s message, that when you want to change the world, start with yourself.
I THINK I CAN, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Gouache on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0536
I AM THAT, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Flashe on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0473
Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta), Bettina Hubby, 2021. Gouache on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0595
Hubby’s Ho’oponopono, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Flashe on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0303
Buddhist Forgiveness Prayer, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0474
I CAN I AM I WILL I DO I SHALL, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Gouache on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0636
I ACCEPT WHAT IS LET GO OF, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Gouache on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0777
BREATHING IN I KNOW I AM BREATHING OUT, Bettina Hubby, 2021. Gouache on linen, 5'4" x 17.25". BH0783