note to self
Curated by Bettina Hubby
February 4–25, 2017
Los Angeles
From the note to self announcement:
Intrinsically process driven, to-do lists are both aspirational and pro-active, both of the moment and for the future. When an item on a to-do list is crossed off, it becomes an accomplishment, but when left undone, a nagging regret. Normally not for public consumption, to-do lists are intimate and unguarded, unpremeditated and revealing. Hinting at a work in progress, they become accidental journal entries, a place where thoughts become systems and notes become ideas, and a unique record of a particular moment in time. Once an item has been ticked off the list, the list itself is a witness to (or evidence of) one’s own power to manifest.
Works in the show are motivated by to-do lists which are also displayed and appear in many forms: pencil on Post-it, printed out screen shot, and scrawl on a wall.
Photography of the show and Hubby’s Googly Eyes installed by Steven Rimlinger. “Edible snacks,” in the deadpan style of artist Bob Dornberger, will be served until they are inside everyone. Participating artists: Ashton Allen, Margot Bowman, Saskia Wilson Brown & Micah Hahn, Joshua Callaghan, Bob Dornberger, David P. Earle, Emma Gray, Bettina Hubby, and Mike Slack.
Elephant is a contemporary artist-run space in Glassell Park, Los Angeles. Elephant houses six working studios, a central exhibition space and an outdoor event area. The studio artists collaborate to provide outside curators and artists a physical location for exhibitions, events and gatherings.
note to self, curated by Bettina Hubby, 2017. Installation view, Elephant, Los Angeles.
note to self, curated by Bettina Hubby, 2017. Installation view, Elephant, Los Angeles.
note to self, curated by Bettina Hubby, 2017. Installation view, Elephant, Los Angeles.
note to self, curated by Bettina Hubby, 2017. Installation view, Elephant, Los Angeles.
note to self, curated by Bettina Hubby, 2017. Installation view, Elephant, Los Angeles.
Goggly Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2013. Steel, plastic, motor, solar panels, dimensions variable. Installation view on exterior of Elephant.
Goggly Eyes, Bettina Hubby, 2013. Steel, plastic, motor, solar panels, dimensions variable. Installation view on exterior of Elephant.
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (detail) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (installation view) BH0335
The monkey mind train and billboards for healing, Bettina Hubby, 2017. HO scale toy train set, painted wooden signs, small billboards, and tiny animals, 38 x 38 inches. (installation view) BH0335
shield, Ashton Allen, 2017. Mixed media on canvas, 8 x 8 inches.
Utilitarianism II (billboard piece), Bob Dornberger, 2017. Galvanized steel, etched glass, stainless steel tank, softball bat, chardonnay wine, hardware, 74 x 45 x 77.5 inches.
ENDO, Ashton Allen, 2017. Mixed media on wood, 84 x 30 inches.
The Big To-Do, David P. Earle, 2017. (installation view)
Note to self: Surrender when appropriate…, Emma Gray, 2017. Oil paint on canvas pad, 16 x 12 inches.
Note to self: Be here now, Emma Gray, 2017. Oil paint on canvas pad, 16 x 12 inches.
Sleeping Dog (1), Joshua Callaghan, 2017. Unfired earthenware, 8 x6 x 3 inches. (Courtesy of Harmony Murphy Gallery)
Sleeping Dog (4), Joshua Callaghan, 2017. Unfired earthenware, 8 x6 x 3 inches. (Courtesy of Harmony Murphy Gallery)
I can hear stuff in the rocks, Margot Bowman, 2017. Looping video, dimensions variable.
Mike Slack, installation view.
The Big To-Do, David P. Earle, 2017. (installation view)